Teachers are looking for digital solutions to deliver curriculum for the rest of this school year. MPCC courses are available to meet this need for all teachers in Minnesota, regardless of their district’s membership status.
In the best interest of our 3-12th grade educators, we are sharing links to the courses in Google Folders so that all districts can benefit from them, regardless of the LMS used by the district. The link below will give you access to the Google Folders and Moodle.
MPCC Course Locations & Access
For teachers to best use these resources:
- Review the Year-At-A-Glance document.
- Identify the standards needing to be addressed.
- Review the units written to meet those standards.
- Download content to a drive for modification as needed and share with students. (all content can also be downloaded in PDF or Microsoft Word (or PowerPoint format to be shared in multiple ways including email, LMS or print based)
What MPCC teacher users are saying-
“…most if not all that you find online …is outdated for high school history. This [MPCC] US and World History,…is 100% broken down to the MN standards. I like how it is student-centered learning that is responsive to their learning by using Pre-Assessment charts and KWL. I am just glad I don’t have to buy something and then spend hours tweaking it to make it more efficient for my class. ” High School History Teacher- 5.3.2020